WAC Logistics Ltd. has been in International Transportation & Supply Chain Solution Industry for more than 25 Years! It is considered as one of the top 5 freight forwarding company in Bangladesh.
Kindly note below mention features & facilities for your kind update.
1)Very long and understanding relationship with all top of the line shipping lines , thus enabling us negotiate market competitive rates.
2)We are the stock holder of all airline moving in and out , thus enabling us negotiate market competitive rates.
3)We have dedicated warehouse for cargo storing, stuffing and QC platform as per various requirement from customers, under 24 hours CCTV and security Facilities, with maximum 10days free time.
4)We have the arrangement and ability to load on vessel at the very last moment.
5)As per customer requirement we can arrange customs facilities and documentation.
6) We have our own fleet of covered vans for inland transportation all over the country.
7) We have the court order for single documentation, enabling us consign our partner directly in MBL, reducing documentation hassle, time and cost at destination.
8) We have dedicated sales team in Dhaka and Chittagong, covering the communication with supplier frequently and expediting shipment process smoothly.
9) We have very skilled operations people who can stuff cargo with maximum utilization of equipment.
10) Also we have the experienced CRM team who can communicate with all related parties and capable of handling any unwanted situation smoothly. Also monitoring cargo movement from ex factory to warehouse/ DC delivery.
11) For USA bound shipments we can issue our own HBL which is FMC bonded and can file rates at our end.
12) We have started our own office in Myanmar, fully operational since 1st January’2014.