
Air Freight Forwarding!Worldwide airfreight shipping with our competitive rateImport and Export worldwide from Single Pallet to Dedicated Flights; Short Notice and Same Day Pickup Service.We work with all major airlines, bringing your freight reliably to the place of your choice.Sea & Ocean Freight Forwarding!A small box or a heavy lift shipment? – we arrange the transport to almost every part of the world. Our staff finds the suitable solution to ship your cargo of every dimension and size.Our worldwide network of qualified and trusted partners enables us to complete the shipments up to final destination.Tailor-made solutions will be developed for your break-bulk, heavy lift or project shipment.Within our representation portfolio, we represent multi-purpose liner operators and break bulk liner services.Rail and Road Freight Forwarding!Through our contracted truck carriers, we offer trucking services and shipping for any size shipment; ship of any type or size of freight load.Heavy freight, less than a truck load, and full truck load, general cargo and commercial freight.We do our best to transport your goods from their origin to their final destination in the fastest, safest, most reliable and economic manner.
Kenderi Logistics LLP哈萨克斯坦 , , , ,