
Wuxi Orient Anti-wear specialize in production of wear,heat and corrosion-resistant castings and the relevant grinding equipments. We were awarded the certificate of High New Technology Enterprise issued by Sci-tech Bureau, Jiangsu Province in 2004.
We possess patented product----COMBINED SELF-FASTENED (BOLTLESS) BALL MILL LINERS, called "China Best Liner", was invented under the guidance of the “System Engineering Theory of Ball-Mills”, which was proposed by General Manager, Senior Engineer, Mr. Chen Changshun. The lining plates, without any bolts, are easily installed. The plates are firmly assembled and easily maintained under a low cost. This is an epoch-making ball mill liner product in the past 100 years. The reliability and stability of the new plates are much better than those of traditional bolted ones. In the recent 20 years the boltless ball mill liners have been widely used in large, medium and small ball mills in coal-fired power plants, mines, cement works, chemical engineering factories and super fine powder grinding plants. It is recommended liner product which is allowed to be list into Electrical Power Industry Standard in China (DL/T681-1999). The product was awarded the certificate of High New Technology Product, issued by Sci-tech Bureau, Jiangsu Province in 2004.
Wuxi Orient Anti-Wear Co., Ltd中国