Aduanas Llobet was incorporated as a forwarding company in 1996 by the customs broker Antonio Llobet de Pablo, present Chairman of the Customs Agents Association of Barcelona. Since then and up to now this company has managed to consolidate itself as one of the pillars of the sector of services related con foreign trade, thanks to a very active commercial policy, together with an service and very competitive prices * Global Customs BrokerageThe extensive experience of Aduanas Llobet in the customs section in Spain, thanks to a skilled team of professionals, allows us to provide our customers with the sufficient guarantee to carry out customs procedures, either in terms of importation/exportation,or forwarding, in each of the areas of air, sea, land, and railways customs clearance We have computer systems which are authorized to carry out electronic customs clearance procedures (EDI).* International Sea FreightOur international sea transportation department has a highly qualified staff who ensure freight consolidation services in the main ports of the World. Supported by an extensive network of correspondents who take full responsibility of picking up the goods in the country of origin,in case of importation, and of door-to-door delivery at destination, in the case of exportation, within the specified deadlines, thus ensuring urgency, security, and saving.In accordance with the special agreements contracted with many Shipowning Companies, Aduanas Llobet has priority reservation of spacein ships. This is the reason why the cargos carried out through our company have precedence over any other cargoes. The cargos areentrusted to first class Ship-owning companies which have regular lines, with direct service to Barcelona/Valencia.* International Air FreightAduanas Llobet, customs brokers and forwarders, has an efficient international air transportation department. It offers awide national and international importation / exportation coverage in five continents, supported by an extensivenetwork of correspondents with offices in the main airport sin the five continents, which allows us to provide timely doorto-door deliveries and pickups, with very competitive prices, thus addressing the needs of our customers.* Logistics Operator Warehousing and distribution- Reception of goods- Handling of goods- Stock management and control- Picking- Integrated warehouse magement- Consolidation/Deconsolidation LCL/FCL- Warehousing insurance- Maximum security and control measures* International Land TransportationAduanas Llobet is an integrated partner which cooperates with important companies of the sector in Europe. Through our network of agents, we can address the growing needs of our customers, providing them with consolidated importation/exportation and complete cargoes.