Dear All ,
I hope this finds you well in all perspectives .
I wish to take this opportunity to introduce to you our company capabilities in East and Central Africa,we are the market leader in overland transportation /Freight Logistics forwarding group & Cross borders Customs Clearance Expert with East and Central Africa States, beside that we also supply fuel oils to vessels calling port of Mombasa,as we are License shipping consolidator services providers with East and Central Africa corridors states to our clients, we also offer Cargo storage Facility- ie, Warehousing & Distribution, we also do exports deliveries requirements business for all our client in Africa corridor-ports, etc Mombasa port- Kenya & Dar Es salaam in Tanzania, East and Central Africa/West Africa .
Kengas Group, has a vast experience in East and Central Africa in both transport for Cargo (Dry and Liquid & LPG ),cross border and general logistics. Our geographic footprint runs across the Northern an Southern Corridors with fully flagged offices and manpower,We are currently handle end to end logistics including transport and clearing for projects in Tanzania, Malawi ,Zambia, DRC- Congo,eg (Lubumbashi,Kolowezi),Uganda,Burundi , Rwanda, Ethiopia,South-Sudan-Juba, ( Wau,Aweil) and Somalia,eg, Mogadishu port,Kismayu port, Bosaaso Port Berbera port ,Our greatest strength has been the ability to tailor solutions to suits different clients requirements .
We will be happy to represent your group operation company with our region East and Central Africa, or any of your partners group company operating in any projects undertaking into East and Central Africa,we would like to offer to them a one stop shop for all their requirements.
I look forward to hear from you there or any of your client doing business into Africa regions out there to enable us schedule a meeting with their good office management and deliberate on how best to offer them our services. Please find attached