MultiTrans Ltd is an advanced company for international shipping and customs brokerage. With 36 years of experience, the company provides answers to any need involving international shipping and customs clearance, starting with the efficient planning of the whole process, including accompanying documents and approvals, collecting goods from the supplier, packaging the goods, transportation in the country of origin, customs transfer in the country of origin, supervision of international shipping (by sea, air and land), and ending with the arrival at the destination country, customs handling and transporting the goods to their final destination.
The international shipping industry is complex and requires knowledge and experience, effective communication between governmental bodies and authorities from different countries with different cultures, and the ability to provide a smart response to a variety of challenges. MultiTrans Ltd. was built with the goal of providing systemic, thorough and comprehensive service to this complexity. Through its second generation as customs agent, MultiTrans is committed to providing its customers with smart and experienced service, alongside dedicated family relations