
Good day! Nice to know you in JCtrans family.
This is Jolin Shiand very proud to be able to engage in the same industry you are doing.
We, China Progress Int’l Forwarding, head office located in Shenzhen, China.
Since China Progress ship to & from China, USA & other parts of the world.
We are looking for a creditable, professional and reciprocal partner in your city for mutual business cooperation.
WHY CHOOSE US? Look at below:
a— self-owned 80 vehicles truck fleet.
Few FF here has a self-owned truck fleet. It can ensure truck vehicle in the peak season and ensure cargo security by GPS tracing system.
b— self-owned customs broker.
They can ensure express customs clearance. You will know how important it is when you rush to finish customs work and catch the vessel.
c— (also branch offices in Guangzhou/Shanghai/Qingdao/Vietnam)
We can organize efficient and professional work and provide competitive rates via excellent relationship with main carriers.
One more friend, one more opportunity.
With our joint effort, I believe we shall be enjoying a much larger share in USA-CHINA freight market.
If you have any enquiry, pls do not hesitate to contact me. Many tks.