
ForeignerHR was founded on 2005 by Dr. Rosie Tang. ForeignerHR is authorized by the National Labor Bureau as a licensed employment placement company. From the beginning of the foundation, ForeignerHR focuses on the English education of Chinese children, ForeignerHR aims to improve the Chinese English education system and have students that can speak native quality English..
ForeignerHR company cares about the quality of education, as well as the ESL teachers feelings. So ForeignerHR always gives new teachers ongoing trainings and provides teacher with materials. ForeignerHR sends company coordinators to the schools to check and make sure the teachers are happy. If issues arise, they will be solved quickly and efficiently.
ForeignerHR company’s culture is a Caring, Communicating, and Nurturing environment. As ForeignerHR always cares about our ESL teachers feelings, so ForeignerHR always tries its best to help them in all aspects, such as apartments, daily life, teaching and to overcome culture shocks. ForeignerHR always communicates with its teachers to see if they need any help and let them feel welcomed. ForeignerHR knows that actions speak louder than words, and is always available to help its new teachers.
Beijing Tangshi International Cultural Exchange