
QinHo Group (HK) Co., Ltd is a world leader and manufacturer of fishing net. Engineer have been more than 45 years experience in this field.
QinHO? have always put a great effort in product innovation and do we have a very close co-operation with our clients in the process of product development. QinHO is your single-source supplier for every facet of fishing systems, from the cut netting to complete fishing net.
Our comprehensive range off fishing net including: semi manufactured polyethylene monofilament/ multifilament nets; Semi manufactured polyester fiber monofilament/ multifilamnet nets; Semi
manufactured nylon fiber monofilment/ multifilament nets; Semi manufactured dyneema monofilament/ multifilament nets; finished or semi-finished trawl nets; finished or semi-finished gill net; finished or semi-finished seines; finished or semi-finished live boxes; finished single/ double line cod end; nylon monofilament line;Polyethylene/ Polyester fiber/ Nylon fiber/ Dyneema fiber wire and rope and other related derivative product.
Qinho Group(HK) Co.,Ltd中国